Fujica STX-1N 35mm SLR camera (1983)
I learned the basics of photography using the Fujica STX-1N. I got it as a birthday present in 1983. It is a manual focus camera without any automatic exposure modes. It does have TTL metering with an LED display in the viewfinder,
The STX-1N is very similar to the STX-1, https://assaultvictimlawyer.com/buy-cialis/ introduced in 1980, except the STX-1N has LED indicators for the light meter instead of a needle indicator.
One of the things I really liked about the camera was the split prism focusing screen, which made it really easy to focus the camera manually.
In addition to the X-Fujinon 50 mm f/1.9 lens, I have a
Makinon 80-200mm f/4.0 zoom lens with macro capabilty, which greatly extended the flexbility of the camera. The camera uses Fuji's X-mount lens system.
I used this camera until I bought my first digital camera in 1999. It has travelled with me and taken photos of my family when they were growing up, so I have happy memories of the Fujica STX-1N!
I just have a question, if you could help, I have just purchased a STX1-N and was wondering if you know, Is the Fujica X-mount on these lenses the same as the Fuji Xmount?