
Posts Tagged ‘photographs’

Vintage Portrait Photographs

September 9th, 2012 3 comments

I picked up some vintage photographs at an antique show last weekend. They were not in the greatest condition, but I liked the creases and wear that they have received over the years. The backs of the photographs were printed as postcards and some had information about the studios where they were taken. It looks like the photos date from the 1920's to early 1930's based on the fashions and information that I could find about the studios where they were taken.

One of the photographs was done by Jerome Ltd, a popular chain of studios in the UK. Here's another link with some interesting information about Jerome Studios, including the types of cameras and film they used. There's even a Flickr group for Jerome Studios.

I wasn't able to find out much about the other photographs. A couple of them were done by D.R. Jones, Photo Artist, 92 Market St., Manchester and one was by Black & White Studios. Unfortunately, the other two do not name the photographer or studio.

I wonder who the people were who had their portraits taken almost 100 years ago, before World War II. Maybe someone will recognize an ancestor in one of the photos!



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