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The Language of Photography

I dream of languages anew
Grammars undiscovered
A word for a half glance in a dream in the desert
While thinking we met in another lifetime
With fog descending in silence

Model: Chloe G.

Beautiful Chinese opera inspired makeup: Nikki Simpson

Hair Styling: Nikki Simpson

Photography by Vancouver photographer Lloyd K. Barnes

I Dream of Languages Anew written by Lloyd K. Barnes

Music: dream mechanics – blow and blow

Here is a gallery with more photos from the photoshoot

Chloe - Dream Language

What is language?

According to Dictionary.com:

Language [lang-gwij]


  1. a body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition: the two languages of Belgium; a Bantu language; the french language; the Yiddish language.

The concept for one of my recent photoshoots was "language."  Languages can be written using alphabets, characters or hieroglyphics. Some languages are spoken but not written, others are only written. Many languages have been lost and no one knows https://www.ncahcsp.org/buy-ambien-online/ what might have been said with them. Music is a language. There are programming languages, symbolic logic and mathematics. But languages can also be non-verbal: gestures, body language, sign language or facial expressions.

Here's another definition for language in Dictionary.com:
8. any system of formalized symbols, signs, sounds, gestures, or the like used or conceived as a means of communicating thought, emotion, etc.: the language of mathematics; sign language.

Languages can be chemical - pheromones or the genetic code of DNA. In the short story "The God's Script" in Labyrinths: Selected Stories & Other Writings, by Jorge Luis Borges, an Aztec priest searched for a divine message in the spots of a jaguar.

I'm intrigued by the idea that one language could express ideas that cannot be expressed in another. There is a visual language used in photography that communicates ideas and emotions that cannot be expressed by words. Is is possible that anything can represent anything else if we know how to translate or decode the message?


Dream Language

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