Home > Fashion, Fashion Show, Vancouver > Eco Fashion Week Vancouver 2010 Part 2

Eco Fashion Week Vancouver 2010 Part 2

September 29th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

document.write(" Vancouver - Kim Cathers" src="http://blog.lloydkbarnes.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Eco-fashion-99.jpg" alt="" width="357" height="500" />

Yesterday I posted some information and photos from the Eco Fashion Week currently running in Vancouver. I attended runway shows featuring the spring/summer https://naturallydaily.com/tramadol-online-100-mg/ 2011 collections by designers emesha, Lara Miller, Eden, Nixxi, Lav and Kush, and Kim Cathers.

Here's an update with more images.

Here are the rest of my photos from the show:

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